Thursday, August 12, 2010

Extending BACK to the BUSH??

The gorgious scenery of Zinder- these were in Liz's and Ari's villages (respectivly)

Not a whole lot of time, so just a quick update and some pictures! Well, ok, that wasn't completely honest... the truth is, I've been working in the rain all morning, and now I'm in the Peace Corps Bureau, and the remote is broken for the air the on position... so I'm freezing.

Zoo update- Work is good and starting to slow down. I'm still waiting on funding to come through for shade hangars for a couple of the cages, plus waiting for the baboon cage to get done, so things have slowed down- which is a nice change of pace. To keep myself busy I've been helping out with the different areas, cleaning, feeding, etc. The baby hippo, Bouban, is getting huge, but still healthy and cute as ever. Baby green monkey is also doing well (still no name). Today, one of our Docas Gazelles, (Clyde) got his hind left leg caught in the fence, panicked, and fractured his leg getting himself out. The vet set him in a cast and everything and now he seems to be doing alright.

So... I've considering it for quite a while, and I'm pretty sure I want to extend for another year in peace corps here in Niger. There is an NGO, the Sahara Conservation Fund, that works with Ostrich and Antelope conservation all around Niger, and they have a position for a PCV working out in the eastern part of the country with the Ostrich conservation. Which woulde be great- BACK to the bush, but still get to work with animals! So, I've applied, and I think I have a couple weeks before I find out if I got the job. Not to jump ahead of myself, but should I get the job, peace corps gives all third-year extendees a month home leave... home for christmas??? maybe :)

This is the front of the Sultan's Palace in Zinder!

Last but not least, our little baby green monkey!!!

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